Interview with Talena Keltner May 6, 2021

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I have valued and loved individual and group therapy for nearly fifty years. Still, there are times I don’t feel safe being forthcoming about being in therapy. I’m amused, and feel empowered no, by how we thought about it in the seventies, “therapy is too good a thing to be left for the ill alone.” – Kevin F.

You are so right, thank you. Language is essential. Not only for supporting our recovery, recovery relationships and recovery communities, but in every facet of our lives. I’m grateful for having recently been introduced to concepts of Recovery Language and Resiliency Conversation. I’m learning to practice them when addressing my and others’ mental health challenges. Clinical language and the kind of everyday jargon you describe rob everyone – the “well” and we challenged alike. – Kevin F.

It feel like this world is very negative specially when we do not understand. This is so good more people need to see this. – Janice J.

I use psychologytoday as well. Can vouch for how credible it is. – Molly O.

I really enjoyed this! Thank you both – Gina C.

Great content thank you – Gina L.

If you’re interested in joining Plants with Complicated Feelings, please reach out to me! 🌿I’m also available to answer questions about Borderline Personality Disorder and getting mental health support. – Talena Keltner

I just want to applaud you!!! Im grateful for thoughtful words. I’ve found psychology today helpful also. – Davy A.